Memories of the Past or Visions of the Future - A Tour Guide's Poem

The crowds line up, both young and old,
The children excited and slightly bold.
Book in hand, ticket in pocket,
On the cover a saint, or was it a prophet?

The sun shines down, it’s not too hot,
Look at how many people, there are quite a lot.
A man comes up, you want to buy umbrella?
You have no money, you say to the fella’.

The sellers appear, several rows deep,
It’s like being in a field, surrounded by sheep.
Postcards, rosaries, they have the lot,
Even holy water, that should hit the spot.

Finally, an end comes to your despair,
As the line moves across St. Peter’s Square.
Through the scanners and up the stairs,
Far away from those trying to sell their wares.

You enter the basilica of Peter, the Saint,
Full of marble and bronze, hardly any paint.
Tombs and statues, typical of Rome,
Not to mention Michelangelo’s Dome.

Where to begin? Where to end?
If only you had listened to your friend.
Next time you go, be sure to decide,
The only way to do it is with a GUIDE!!

Poem written by: Robert Coghlan

Photo by: Robert Coghlan 


  1. Rome has always been a city of poets and inspiration and creativity


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